A new genre of books are emerging. Immerse yourself into a new reading experience. Explore on your own or tell others stories you discover in the pictures. With only a few sentences leading you through the book, most narratives are found in the pictures.
A social fiction about a man who loses his job to a machine. The story is told in simple text and with detail-filled artwork..
Suvin, the protagonist of the story, loses his job first, then his self-respect and finally his wife. In his despair, he breaks out of social convention and throws himself into an alternative reality of life with his newfound friends.
"Catch me, if you can!" is Reana's favourite game. She plays her game in variations throughout her life. Deep thought provoking story about death, revenge and atonement.
The narration REANA begins with her birth and ends with her tragic death. We go on her journey towards an apparent fate. The story focus on devotion, loss death and hope in the afterlife.
Recurring elements of the story are dynamism, agility as well as joie de vivre and despair. Reana's life is influenced by both.
One by one, people come and go into her life and accompanies her on each phase of her journey.
Jobot 63-3 is spontaneously created on his own for special tasks. When the time comes, it faces all forms of responsibility. In this story, salvation of humanity is set against the betrayal of an individual.
63-3 is the first Jobot who adopt and raise a child. He accompanies Sigma throughout her life and supports her endeavour to be the best cook in the system. 63-3 is a tragic hero in the story. His real role is revealed by reading through the explanatory notes in which his conversations with his superiors are revealed in his minutes.
Sigma works very hard to become a cook. Soon she is well-known and presents her cooking skills throughout the system.
Many pictures focus on their relationship. Colours in the artwork indicate the intensity of the story.
DARIN the Jobot clown is assigned to investigate a mysterious book. With a suspenseful investigation, this story focusses on a double moral society too.
DARIN the Jobot clown is famous for his wit and notoriety of his business dealings. He is supposed to work as an undercover agent to decipher the secret of a picture book. Involving his circus friends and business contacts, he comes closer and closer to solving the mystery…
A boy decides to become a musician in a world where jobots can do almost everything better than humans. In this melancholic tragedy, the protagonists fight for their position and recognition in society. No matter to which species they belong, whether human, machine or superhuman - they all want to be seen and accepted.
Against his mother's advice, GHUNER becomes a musician. Against all odds he manages to become a recognized artist and on top of that he befriends a jobot. GHUNER's weak self-confidence and fear of losing his emerging fame lead him to human abysses and beyond.
Hard daylight, spotlight and twilight alternate and set the tone of the story.
GHUNER travels to the edge of the solar system to salvage of himself what he believes he can still rescue.
An oil baroness leads a vendetta against a politician. A story about power and exploitation. Everyone is enemy to his next. The ironic, funny screwball story finds a surprising ending.
The self-confident Anaram feels humiliated and launches a massive counterattack. In return, she not only forgoes income, but also sets a whole apparatus in motion. Woe betide anyone who messes with Anaram!
The story takes you from one scene to another one.
Anaram's actions reach all areas of public life.